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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

301. College Enrollment, by Sex, Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin

[In thousands (10,880 represents 10,880,000). As of October for the civilian noninstitutionalpopulation, 14 years old and over. Based on the Current PopulationSurvey; see text, Section 1, Population, and Appendix III]

CHARACTERISTIC 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1 1987 1 1988 1 1989 1990 1 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
  Total 2   10,880 11,139 11,546 11,141 11,380 11,387 12,127 12,308 12,320 12,304 12,524 12,651 12,719 13,116 13,180 13,621 14,057 14,035 13,898 15,022 14,715 15,226 15,436 15,546
Male 3 5,911 5,785 5,889 5,580 5,480 5,430 5,825 5,899 6,010 5,989 5,906 5,957 6,030 5,950 5,950 6,192 6,439 6,192 6,324 6,764 6,703 6,820 6,843 6,905
  18 to 24 years 3,693 3,673 3,712 3,621 3,508 3,604 3,833 3,837 3,820 3,929 3,749 3,702 3,867 3,770 3,717 3,922 3,954 3,912 3,994 4,152 4,089 4,187 4,374 4,403
  25 to 34 years 1,521 1,518 1,546 1,396 1,356 1,325 1,442 1,460 1,576 1,492 1,464 1,545 1,421 1,395 1,443 1,412 1,605 1,392 1,406 1,589 1,561 1,523 1,509 1,500
  35 years old and over 569 489 520 457 487 405 453 490 506 476 561 628 625 727 716 772 832 789 873 958 985 1,013 899 953
Female 3 4,969 5,354 5,657 5,559 5,900 5,957 6,303 6,410 6,310 6,315 6,618 6,694 6,689 7,166 7,231 7,429 7,618 7,844 7,574 8,258 8,013 8,406 8,593 8,641
  18 to 24 years 3,243 3,508 3,431 3,373 3,482 3,625 3,741 3,841 3,657 3,662 3,788 3,775 3,826 4,021 4,085 4,042 4,218 4,429 4,199 4,576 4,452 4,582 4,829 4,919
  25 to 34 years 947 971 1,255 1,173 1,319 1,378 1,485 1,528 1,510 1,522 1,599 1,559 1,564 1,568 1,639 1,749 1,680 1,732 1,688 1,830 1,788 1,920 1,760 1,915
  35 years old and over 614 700 809 845 914 802 940 900 989 970 1,100 1,240 1,176 1,452 1,396 1,546 1,636 1,575 1,616 1,766 1,684 1,765 1,892 1,732
White 3 9,546 9,679 9,962 9,661 9,956 9,925 10,353 10,551 10,565 10,520 10,781 10,707 10,731 11,140 11,243 11,488 11,686 11,710 11,434 12,222 12,021 12,189 12,442 12,401
  18 to 24 years 6,116 6,276 6,209 6,077 6,120 6,334 6,549 6,594 6,463 6,526 6,500 6,307 6,483 6,659 6,631 6,635 6,813 6,916 6,763 7,118 7,011 7,123 7,495 7,541
  25 to 34 years 2,147 2,131 2,377 2,207 2,333 2,328 2,417 2,519 2,564 2,533 2,604 2,617 2,468 2,448 2,597 2,698 2,661 2,582 2,505 2,735 2,686 2,644 2,522 2,568
  35 years old and over 1,031 1,035 1,149 1,148 1,247 1,051 1,190 1,222 1,324 1,252 1,448 1,609 1,584 1,896 1,868 2,023 2,107 2,053 2,068 2,267 2,208 2,254 2,297 2,199
  Male 5,263 5,084 5,156 4,913 4,823 4,804 5,010 5,077 5,162 5,111 5,103 5,074 5,104 5,078 5,136 5,235 5,304 5,210 5,222 5,524 5,535 5,453 5,552 5,602
  Female 4,284 4,593 4,806 4,748 5,131 5,121 5,342 5,472 5,404 5,410 5,679 5,632 5,627 6,063 6,107 6,253 6,382 6,499 6,212 6,698 6,486 6,735 6,890 6,799
Black 3 1,099 1,217 1,284 1,175 1,156 1,163 1,335 1,294 1,273 1,332 1,263 1,359 1,351 1,321 1,287 1,393 1,477 1,424 1,545 1,800 1,772 1,901 1,903 2,016
  18 to 24 years 665 749 721 694 696 688 750 767 741 786 734 812 823 752 835 894 828 886 861 1,001 988 983 1,085 1,115
  25 to 34 years 248 280 346 288 262 289 351 338 330 313 295 330 341 330 275 258 373 302 386 440 426 519 423 539
  35 years old and over 152 154 180 155 155 156 203 167 171 193 213 198 155 206 146 207 257 208 284 323 334 354 372 340
  Male 523 551 571 504 498 476 566 544 560 618 552 580 587 494 480 587 629 527 636 745 710 764 723 770
  Female 577 665 712 671 659 686 769 750 714 714 712 779 764 827 807 807 848 897 909 1,054 1,062 1,136 1,180 1,247
Hispanic origin 3 4 411 426 417 377 439 443 510 494 521 524 580 794 739 747 754 748 830 918 995 1,187 1,207 1,223 1,260 1,363
  18 to 24 years 295 309 277 254 292 315 342 337 349 362 375 458 455 450 453 435 516 586 602 662 745 706 806 820
  25 to 34 years 103 104 126 108 129 118 153 141 155 157 189 231 204 191 170 168 196 214 249 312 250 310 254 336
  35 years old and over (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA NA NA NA (NA) 89 73 93 114 130 109 102 129 205 193 184 151 198
  Male 218 223 224 196 225 222 258 216 253 231 279 377 390 355 353 364 347 388 442 529 568 529 555 550
  Female 193 203 194 181 215 221 252 278 270 292 299 417 349 391 401 384 483 530 553 659 639 693 704 814

NA Not available.
1 1986 Revised. Beginning 1986, based on a revised edit andtabulation package.
2 Includes other races not shown separately.
3 Includes persons 14 to 17 years old, not shown
separately. 4 Persons of Hispanic origin may be of anyrace.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current PopulationReports, P20-521, and earlier reports.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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